Senior Investment Fraud Lawyers

Confidential, Thorough and Experienced Support

We offer a free initial consultation to seniors who feel they may have been targeted and victimized in the financial markets. Timothy J. O’Connor has successfully represented seniors victimized through various forms of investment fraud.

Have you been pressured to invest quickly and/or promised higher returns with little or no risk? If you have lost invested money, you might have a claim against your broker.

  • Timothy J. O’Connor has over 32 years of legal experience and understanding that can help to identify potential solutions for those who have fallen prey to investment fraud.

Invest Wisely – Investigate Before Investing

Unfortunately, seniors are often the target of fraudulent schemes and the abusive tactics of investment scammers. The first step to making safe investments is to learn about the investments you intend to make. Fully understand the risks involved and research the business and people you will be working with.

In July, 2016 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission released the following Investor Alert for Seniors, which identified these red flags to be aware of when making investments:

  1. Unregistered and/or unlicensed sellers
  2. Promised higher returns with little or no risk
  3. Pressured by tactics used to make you buy quickly
  4. Free meal seminars
  5. Negative employment, regulatory and personal financial histories of the financial professionals you may work with.

To learn more about Investment Fraud protection or how we can help you, call the Law Offices of Timothy J. O’Connor today at (518) 426-7700.

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